
I'm a Texan who loves the outdoors

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Updated Action Research Plan

Action Plan
Goal: Positively motivate students so that tardies in second grade are reduced.

1. Create the log that will be used to gather data.
2. Meet with teachers and administrators to discuss action plan and make improvements.
3. Teachers will mark a tally next to each student’s name that is tardy on a daily basis.
4. Gather all data logs to assess data.
5. Meet with students to gather positive motivators.
6. Choose motivators that are practical and can be used on a daily basis.
7. Put motivators into place while continuing to gather data of student tardies. Making sure to note which motivator is used for each week.
8. Assess current data sheets and compare them to previous data sheets. Motivators will be assessed every six weeks.
9. Continue to carry out the motivators that proved to be successful in reducing student tardies.
10. Share research findings with teachers, administrators, and parents after a year of research and assessment.

Begins August 2nd and continues on throughout the entire school year.

Resources Needed:
Data log sheets from all second grade classes throughout the entire school year. Noting when positive motivators where being used and what they were.

Assessments of the data will be conducted several times throughout the school year in order to determine which students are tardy on a regular basis and what motivators work to get them in class on time. Research finding will also be presented to all stakeholders at the end of the school year. Surveys will be completed by the stakeholders in order to determine if the research information was valuable and useful to them.

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